Re: Proposal: let execline's envfile do substitution

From: Laurent Bercot <>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 12:37:21 +0000

>I wanted to ask whether variable substitution could be added to the envfile program of execline.


>| ${A}=/home/${USER}/somewhere
>| #!/bin/execlineb
>| define A x
>| define USER y
>| envfile example.conf
>| printenv
>should print x=/home/y/somewhere

  You can instantiate a configuration file before feeding it to envfile:




#!/bin/execlineb -S0
pipeline { redirfd -r 0 example.conf sed -e "s/_at_location_at_/x/g;
s/_at_user_at_/y/g;" }
envfile -

  Unix tools are powerful. Use them. ;)

Received on Fri Sep 20 2024 - 14:37:21 CEST

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